Here are the changes I’ve made to the tool over time. The version numbering is my own, and I must confess I don’t really know if there is a proper rule on how to do it; I just based it on a few changelogs that I’ve seen.
Version 2.8 (09/09/2024)
- Adding one more Invisible Unicode character
- Style change
- More refactoring of the code.
Version 2.7 (29/08/2024)
- Adding other invisible Unicode character as choice to make a blank text.
- A bunch of small improvement in codes
- A little bit of style change.
Version 2.6 (23/08/2024)
- Refractoring the code so its more streamlined and easier to manage
- Improvement on the generator code
Version 2.5 (21/08/2024)
- Style change
- Removing redundant function
- Adding minor feature (like the copy button will only appear after text being generated)
Version 2.4
- Removed a short blank text part.
- Added a new EventListener to the input field to prevent the page from refreshing every time the Enter key is pressed.
Version 2.3
- Share button removed. I don’t think it used much, and after it been removed, generator seem more simpler
- Adding short blank text that are ready to copy and paste
- Adding input field to allow user check if it copied properly
- Minor style change
Version 2.2.1
- Fix for Telegram share button not working properly.
Version 2.2
- Addition of share buttons for WhatsApp and Telegram.
- Some minor change on style and minor CSS optimizations.
- Change the way notice is hidden (and shown).
Version 2.1
- Add indication of selection when the copy button is clicked.
- Add a lighter (on resource) generation method for generating more than 10,000 characters.
Version 2
- Changing manual increment to repeat string function to generate empty text.
- Removing generate button and uses event listener that monitors changes on the number field. When the number changes, the generate function is automatically triggered.
Version 1
- Initial version. The tool uses incremental iteration to generate empty text.